This shows the number of unique tweeters who either tweeted once or multiple times about the SAME VIDEO GAME PLATFORM in the tweet corpus data. A total number of 1,600,000 tweets were collected from April to May 2009. There were 659,775 unique tweeters, and 254,498 tweeted more than once. 1929 of the tweeters mentioned a video game platform once, and 99 tweeters mentioned the SAME platform more than once. Here’s a summary by platform:
Platform | Tweeted Once | Tweeted Multiple Times | Total |
XBox | 674 | 51 | 725 |
PlayStation 2 | 85 | 1 | 86 |
PlayStation 3 | 197 | 7 | 204 |
Wii | 847 | 30 | 877 |
PlayStation Portable | 112 | 10 | 122 |
Nintendo DS | 14 | 0 | 14 |
Total | 1929 | 99 | 2028 |
The vast majority tweeted once about a platform, but this was random data. Although it is interesting to see what random samples provide, it will be more fruitful to use filters when downloading tweets from Twitter to guarantee that a platform or title is mentioned for modeling purposes.
It could be useful to see if there are any similarities or differences in content between the tweets authored by someone who tweeted about the console once and those tweets authored by someone who tweeted about the console multiple times. What are people saying about the product, and are there discernible topics?