
These projects are student work, but they do give a sense of my approach to instructional design and software development. They are also mostly team efforts. My industry work over the last two years is proprietary, but there are brief descriptions on my resume.

Gamestar Mechanic Game Design Lesson: This lesson has a student and teacher manual for a traditional class. It is a brief introduction to game design for high school students. The material is based on Gamestar Mechanic, a video game developed to teach students about game design. Although these materials were developed for a graduate class at Arizona State University, they are still a good example of how I write traditional instructional materials (learning objectives, list of materials, lesson content, quiz, and rubrics). The lesson was used at The Tesseract School, a private school in Phoenix, Arizona.

Ocular Anatomy Unit: This is an interactive lesson about eye anatomy for medical resident students. It was a team project for an educational media class. It was implemented in Flash. I was the programmer and made contributions to the design.

Korean Language Learning with Pari: This was an experiment in embodied cognition and language learning. Learners had to learn 10 Korean words as part of a story where they helped a character. This was a team project, and I programmed the UI/game logic in Java.

PeaceMaker: This was a student-pitched project at the Entertainment Technology Center (Carnegie Mellon University). I was on the pitch and programmed the first iterations of the game/logic engine. Two team members spun it off into a business. It won several awards and is still available for download.

Spongfish: This was not an instructional project, but it would be great in a museum. It’s an implementation of the classic game Pong–but with a twist. Players control their paddles (a series of bubbles) with their voices. The shape of the bubbles uses the frequency information from the voice (low frequencies on the left and high frequencies on the right). I programmed the game in Java and did the voice processing using a real-time data stream from a Max/MSP patch. This was a team project.

Game Innovation Database: This was a more academic project. I was on a team of three students that documented early innovations in video games. Unfortunately, it is now defunct, but I had the chance to meet and interview some incredible people in the game industry including Will Wright, Raph Koster, Greg Costikyan, Katie Salen, Eric Zimmerman, Celia Pearce, Henry Lowood, and many others.